Sunday, 26 April 2015

Row Row Row your boat

Today me and the husband went to Cambridge for the day. Rather than do the usual shopping route we went for some lunch at the Anchor then walked round the punting lakes. It was very hard to just walk past Zara but today was just to have a mooch around and spend some time together.

We met this little fella a the side of the lake too...

J doesn't mind me taking my camera with me and being a tourist most of the time until i say one word to him...Selfie! He has this thing where he likes to pull faces so I can't get a nice picture of us.
This was the best of the bunch today! I decided if you can't beat him, join him! lol!

 Cambridge is so well kept and such a pretty city, (that might partly be down to not being aloud to walk on the grass lol!) but there were so many lovely blossom trees about I thought I would share one with you.

 I also went to the cinema this weekend to see the new Avengers movie. I have watched a lot of superhero movies over the last few years (not through choice) and this one I must say was pretty good. There was a lot more comedy in this one which I like and Chris Hemsworth is in it so it can't be all bad!
We all look super serious in this picture but it was nearly 10pm so we were pretty tired and I don't think the angle helps!

I missed out on seeing lot's of babies today but earlier on in the week we went to visit the gorgeous little Esme Herriot. Obviously I had to have a cuddle. So cute!

I think that's probably enough pictures for one blog post so I think I'll leave it here.

Thanks for reading. Will post again soon S x

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