I also witnessed the Solar Eclipse this week. It was a bit cloudy but I managed to get a few pics from my office window.
As you know I take a lot of photo's so this week I decided to get a load printed as photobox had an offer on. I rarely print any of my photo's so it was nice to look through them and reminisce all the fun times I've had over the years. I got 150 printed so now I just need to decide which ones to frame.
And lastly I went to Rutland today with the bestie Amy for a nice country walk around Rutland Waters. We only managed about 3 miles as it was so cold and windy but we re-grouped with a little spot of afternoon tea at my wedding venue Barnsdale Lodge. Was so nice going back there as I have such lovely memories and the place still looks great.
Nice to see the hippos were still there too!
Thanks for reading.
Will post again soon. S x
Interesting post... great job