Sunday, 8 March 2015

Bunting & Brunch

This Weekend has been a busy one... I went on a monster bike ride yesterday with my sister which turned into a little bit of a disaster as we ended up off-roading it with head on wind which  led to a puncture and a 3 mile walk home but I'm hurting today so at least I got a work out from it and some lovely pictures too of course!

 I also got a bit creative yesterday and decided to make some bunting. I made a few of these last year as some of my friends had babies and I gave some as Xmas gifts. The wooden triangles and letters I purchased from Ebay, I had a tester pot of paint left over from decorating and got some material from the local market.

 And the finished result...

Cute eh? I made a few so I am going to put them on Ebay and see how they do. So that was yesterday.
Today, I spent a few hours with the best bunch of girls I know. My Besties! Dani, Beckie and Amy. We had a spot of Brunch and did a bit of shopping. We don't get to spend enough time together for my liking but when we do it's just the same as if we were 16 again! I couldn't ask for better friends. 

 I plan on spending the rest of my Sunday on the sofa avoiding housework just as Sunday's should be spent.

Thanks for reading, I'll post again soon. S x 

1 comment:

  1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Xxxxxx
