This weekend has been a pretty busy one. As I said in my last post, I think Autumn is my favourite season. I am loving walks with Reg and all the lovely colours this season brings.
Also it is now close enough to Christmas that I can start shopping so yesterday me and the hubby spent a good 5 hours in town. Granted a hour of this was spent with me in Spec Savers trying to pick out some new specs and then another hour or so was spent having lunch or having a coffee break so really there wasn't an enormous amount of time spent actually shopping but hey we made a start!
As I mentioned in my last post I decided to paint some pumpkins this year instead of carving them (a lot less messy and smelly) and I posted a pic of the cute one I did so here are the more scary ones.
Which actually are not that scary. lol!
I also brought 2 big bags of chocolate ready for all the trick or treaters and we didn't even get 1 so we may of sat and eaten a lot of chocolate today! woops!
Last night we went out for a meal at Prezzo's with the sister blister and Nino. The food was so good I can't stop thinking about it today. I don't normally like to stray from what I know I like as when I take a gamble and try something new it never normally pays off...this time it did! I had grilled goats cheese to start and this lovely gorgonzola pasta dish that was probably one of the nicest pasta dishes I have ever had. It definitely made top 5! This was the goats cheese starter.
Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of my main as my memory was full on my phone but just take my word for it both of these were great and I also got Sam to share another bottle of wine with me, which is amazing, I may be turning her over to the dark side! lol! I also tried calamari for the first time which I wasn't all that impressed with, it didn't really taste of anything and was just really chewy.
Today has been probably one of the laziest days we have had for a while. I did not change out of my pj's until about 2pm and that was only because I had to go and get my break lights changed but I was back in them by 7:30pm so it wasn't all bad.
Because we were both being so lazy today neither of us could be bothered to make any lunch or go out and get anything so the natural solution was to see what I had in the fridge that I could just stick in the oven so garlic flatbread and balsamic vinegar was today's lunch. lol!
That along with too many Halloween chocolates filled us up until went out for dinner for the brother in laws birthday and to visit our friends that moved into their new home this weekend. So all in all a good weekend as I haven't actually had to cook once and I'm also very happy that the husband is now into House of Cards so today we watched a good 4 episodes so nearly finished with season 2. If I carry on at this rate I will be finished watching all 3 seasons on Netflix before Christmas so I will need a new programme to get into!
Anyways I keep telling myself I should go to bed earlier and start getting more sleep but it's really hard to go to bed when you know you have to wake up the next morning and go to work. Boo!
Thanks for reading. I will post again soon. S x